Published: 31/08/2020
Author: Greg Collins

August 19, 2020

According to its latest quarterly market share report for the IMS/VoLTE market, Exact Ventures reports that the IMS/VoLTE infrastructure market surged 16% versus 2Q19 ahead of 5G and to support the increase in voice and messaging traffic as a result from work-from-home orders.

Operator investments have spurred higher penetration rates of VoLTE in Asia Pacific and EMEA, while penetration in North America has remained at approximately 90%. At the end of 2Q20 the market was approximately half penetrated suggesting ample room for growth in the coming years.

During the quarter, there were strong CSCF and HSS/UDM sales to Asia Pacific. We believe that the strong HSS/UDM sales were to support 5G networks and devices in China. Given the trends mentioned above, we continue to forecast that the total market will grow 15% for the full-year 2020.

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